Empower Caregivers
Elevate Organizations

Caregiven uniquely complements existing employee benefits, enriching an organization's
support system without the need for complex integrations. This approach boosts productivity
and improves retention through fostering a culture of empathy and care.

Effortless Connection, Significant Impact

One in five employees balances work with caregiving duties, leading to reduced productivity and increased turnover.

Caregiven offers a strategic solution that connects seamlessly with existing benefits, helping brokers and organizations turn caregiving challenges into opportunities for growth and enhanced employee support. Implementing Caregiven is straightforward:

Group 8

Quick Launch

Get started in just 8 minutes

Group 1 (2)

Easy Implementation

Complements existing benefits without complications

Group 1 (3)


Suits both SMBs and larger organizations

Group 1 (4)


Offers an intuitive interface for all employees

Enhance Your EAP

Many employees using EAP services are facing caregiving challenges. 

Caregiven directs employees to the most relevant EAP resources.

This straightforward addition boosts the value of your services, addressing critical workplace needs and positioning you as a provider of comprehensive solutions.


The Business Case for Supporting Caregivers*

Supporting caregivers isn't just ethical, it's economical. Caregiven addresses key workplace challenges:


Potentially reduce the $33.6 billion lost annually due to caregiving responsibilities.


Help the 33% of caregivers who decline promotions due to caregiving duties.


Assist the 67% of caregivers who struggle to balance work and care responsibilities.

Client Support

Provide a comprehensive solution for the 79% of employers currently lacking caregiving benefits.

Home 1 Soft Shell (4)

Partner With Caregiven

Ready to transform caregiving support for your clients? Fill out the form below to get started.

Guidance at Every Step

We’re here to address your questions and support your mission to foster an empathetic workplace culture.

Is there a question we haven’t covered? Send us a note, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

How does Caregiven fit into a small business dynamic?

Caregiven is tailored for small to medium-sized businesses, offering cost-effective resources that are often only available within larger corporations. It uniquely addresses small businesses' challenges by enhancing their benefits packages, fostering a supportive work environment, and minimizing the impact of caregiving responsibilities on workplace dynamics.

What post-sign-up support can organizations expect?

After signing up, managers receive comprehensive support that keeps their team informed and engaged, access to an administrative portal for easy management, and HR manager kits tailored for navigating caregiving scenarios. Caregiven is committed to partnering with organizations to integrate caregiving into the workplace culture, providing tools and resources that support both individuals and their colleagues.

What’s the commitment period for adding Caregiven?

Caregiven values flexibility and simplicity, requiring only a 60-day notice for cancellation to ensure uninterrupted service and easy account management. This policy is designed to accommodate the dynamic needs of businesses while establishing a seamless caregiving support experience.

Are there performance metrics that track Caregiven’s effectiveness?

For businesses with five or more employees, Caregiven compiles and shares usage data, offering insights into the app’s impact and helping validate your investment. For smaller teams, tailored usage reports are available upon request, all while maintaining the anonymity of user data to uphold privacy standards.

How can Caregiven help employees balance their professional responsibilities with caregiving duties?

Caregiven provides structured communication tools and a “Care Circle'' feature to facilitate the management of caregiving alongside professional duties. These tools assist employees with meaningful conversations at work and in organizing caregiving tasks efficiently, ensuring support is received without compromising work responsibilities.

What kind of emotional support does Caregiven provide to caregiving employees?

Through guiding users to appropriate employee benefits and community resources, Caregiven offers a pathway to resilience and emotional support. Caregiven's platform recognizes the diverse emotional experiences of caregiving and provides personalized support as well as resources to help caregivers navigate challenges effectively at every stage of their journey. 

How easily can Caregiven be incorporated into an existing employee benefits system?

Caregiven's web-based platform is designed for effortless promotion by HR managers without the need for complex integration into core systems. This ease of use extends to the implementation process, making it a straightforward addition to any benefits package.

What strategies does Caregiven recommend to encourage employee engagement?

To foster employee engagement, Caregiven equips HR managers with tools such as administrative reminders and specialized kits for caregiving scenarios. These resources are designed to facilitate effective team support and ensure caregiving employees feel valued and understood.

How does Caregiven ensure employee confidentiality and privacy?

Upholding the highest standards of data security, Caregiven employs encryption and advanced infrastructure to protect user information. The platform advocates for two-factor authentication and engages in continuous monitoring to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring that all data shared within the app remains secure. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Will Caregiven incorporate employer and employee feedback?

Caregiven actively learns from user interactions and feedback, utilizing such information to enhance the platform's design and features. This iterative process ensures Caregiven remains responsive to the evolving needs of employers and employees by continually improving user experiences.